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By Bilall M. Maliqi

So far I have done 50 teaching units with video recordings …

you can watch here on YouTube


Electrical engineer Mr. Hysamedin Ahmeti is known to the general public as a teacher who teaches electronics at the technical high school “Presheva” in Presevo, Serbia. He works with great dedication in his profession, preparing new generations in the field of electrical engineering in theoretical terms , as well as in the practical one.

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This was also seen at the time of the COVID 19 pandemic, who was the only teacher who had held over 50 teaching units on the online platform, explaining to students all teaching units he had with the curriculum.

Hyska compiler of textbooks

In addition, the engineer Hyska, as we call him, has compiled some textbooks of the respective profession for students, in order to make it easier to understand the teaching units with concrete examples and we can freely say that these texts he has compiled are help books with which he works with his students.

Hyska has prepared and printed these books at his own expense, so no institution has come to his aid in order to facilitate his further work in continuing the compilation of textbooks of the respective profession, which he does voluntarily and with a special devotion.

Hyska has so far made several books, which have successful results, given the success achieved in the teaching process.

Now Hyska in Pandemie time started working on the next book “Eketroteknika 1”, which will soon see the light of publication, and we hope that during the new school year, students will be provided with a text by this tireless worker in the field of electrical engineering and electronics.

He has so far published: “Basics of Electrical Engineering 2”, “Electronics 2”, “Basics of Automatic Conducting”, “Measurement in Electrical Engineering” and “Basics of Electronics”.

hysamedin ahmeti
5 textbooks from electrical engineering subjects, Hysamedin Ahmeti author of books.



NACIONALI: After the declaration of the state of emergency in the territory of the state, the schools were closed, then distance learning became compulsory, what more can you tell us?

HYSAMEDIN AHMETI: Following the declaration of the state of emergency and the closure of the schools, the directorate staff obliged us teachers to start preparing for distance learning. Since I am close to the field of information technology, for a short time I tried to adapt my basement to start the lessons through the group page where I also teach. It is worth mentioning that within our technical school for a relatively short time were formed class groups with students and teachers to start distance learning. Since the subjects I teach are: “Electronics”, “Electrical measurements”, and “Practical lesson” for students of second and third grades, electrical installation and electrical assembly and are related theory and practice with the understanding of the principal, Mr. Telat Arifi, which enabled me to take with me all the laboratory equipment of the school for practical work in the form of various instruments for measuring electrical quantities, as well as models for the practical development of distance learning units.

NACIONALI: Are you having difficulty developing the envisaged distance learning units or online?

HYSAMEDIN AHMETI: Really, when you have the will, courage and a little knowledge, there should be no difficulty. I did not miss these three components and very soon I started to make theoretical teaching units with special emphasis to embody them with a practical presentation, which to some extent I think that I have realized it within these two months, but that I am continuing it until the end of the school year. To date I have done almost 50 theoretical and practical teaching units with video recordings. And if in the meantime we do not receive information, we can do some school classes, graduation or grade improvements.

NACIONALI: We have constantly followed the lessons on YouTube, tell us how far you have come and are you having difficulties in developing them, since you work in your own house?

HYSAMEDIN AHMETI: We are really in the era when digitalization is imperative of the time and whether we like it or not, we must be challenged before it. One good thing about this is that all teachers, but also the older ones, work with distance learners. Someone more professional and someone less knowledgeable about publishing teaching units through the internet. I think there is a positive assessment from our commitment, of the teaching staff, but the attendance of students has not been at the level and I think we should have been more committed to finding a way to involve them in active attendance of teaching units.

NACIONALI: How interested are students in reviewing lessons or homework?

HYSAMEDIN AHMETI: I said above that the student attendance is not satisfactory, although today every student has a better mobile phone than I have and can easily and quickly follow the teaching units, but also answers, questions and tasks either in the comment after the lesson or in the msn. Of course, all the time I am talking about myself and the students where I teach that within our school are also the classes of medicine, communication, economics, mechanical in which the level of learning commitment and students’ interest in knowledge is much higher.

NACIONALI: When do you think the conditions will be created for you to return to school?

HYSAMEDIN AHMETI: As far as I am concerned, this school year I will spend like this without regular schooling and, if nothing changes in the meantime, but I hope that the next school year, September, will start well and students will attend classes in normal conditions.