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Book promotions of the Author Hysamedin Ahmeti

The books published by Professor Hysamedin Ahmedi are professional books and serve for high school students of electrical engineering.

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“The Book Triumphs”

Promotion of my nine books within the framework of the Prishtina (Kosovo) Book Fair 2023 with the motto “The book triumphs”

A tedious job, considering the nature of electrical engineering subjects with lots of complicated formulas, relevant drawings, theoretical descriptions!

Promotion of books

The author of these books has distributed over 1,000 free copies to schools in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvegja, Serbia. These books are never sold. In this fair, the author had the key role of promoting and being close to the readers, those interested in these books and I hope he succeeded knowing that in his speeches on the prestigious televisions RTK, TV21, etc. (TVs of Kosovo). He revealed his success in action and not in words.
CEO of “Fenix” Publications

A practicum for all those who want to deal with the field of electrical engineering because in every house, apartment, institution we have to do with electricity. Here the author has made a clear explanation.

book promotions