Why You Should Learn New Things Everyday

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    Successful people master one thing and that is learning. They learn new things everyday. They can’t imagine their life without learning. Even they are successful people because they are committed to learn everyday.     Most people believe they know … Continued

Why Focus Is Important In Your Life

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    You are living in a fast-paced world where you can get distracted easily by a lot of things everyday. You can try everything but if you lack focus in your life, it is pretty impossible to become successful. Let … Continued

5 tips on how to succeed in life

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    After reading this article, you will change your attitude towards yourself and the world. Do away with disorganization and disorder in your life. The following tips will help disperse the fog in your head. Here is some advice on how to … Continued

Milton Hershey

   Almost every kid in this country has at one time or another eaten a Hershey chocolate bar. Hershey chocolate has become famous around the world. But did you know the founder of Hershey Chocolate, Milton Hershey, had many failures … Continued

Andrew Carnegie

   Andrew Carnegie was born in 1835 in a small house in Dunfermline, Scotland. For many generations, the Carnegie family had been master handloom weavers. But as the industrial revolution introduced steam-powered looms, the family business collapsed.     At age … Continued

Howard Schultz

   Howard Schultz grew up in housing projects in New York City. He was raised in a working class Jewish family. He never dreamt of someday being worth $2.3 billion. His mother was a full-time stay home mom, raising him … Continued