Ancient Rome in 3D – Detailed virtual reconstruction. Real colors. 2023 year progress.

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Ancient Rome refers to the period in history when the city of Rome and its surrounding territories became a powerful civilization. This era began in the 8th century BCE and lasted until the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE.

Ancient Rome is known for its impressive infrastructure, social structures, and military prowess.
During this time, Rome grew from a small city-state to a vast empire that spanned across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. The Roman Republic, established in 509 BCE, was the initial form of government in ancient Rome. It was followed by the Roman Empire, which began with the reign of Augustus Caesar in 27 BCE.

Ancient Rome was highly developed socially, politically, and culturally. Its society was divided into different classes, with the ruling elite occupying the highest positions. Slavery was also prevalent, with slaves making up a significant portion of the population.

The Romans built an extensive network of roads, aqueducts, and buildings, showcasing their architectural and engineering skills. Influenced by Greek culture, the Romans also excelled in literature, art, philosophy, and science. Famous Roman authors include Virgil, Cicero, and Ovid, while notable Roman architects include Vitruvius and Apollodorus.

The Roman military played a crucial role in the empire’s expansion and defense. Initially, the Roman army was made up of citizen-soldiers called legionaries, but it later evolved into a professional force. The skilled military tactics and discipline of the Roman legions contributed to their success in conquering and maintaining control over vast territories.

The fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE marked the end of ancient Rome. Various factors contributed to its decline, including economic instability, political corruption, invasions by barbarian tribes, and the weakening of the Roman military.

Overall, ancient Rome is a fascinating period in history that had a significant impact on Western civilization. It left a lasting legacy in terms of architecture, law, language, and cultural traditions, which continue to influence our world today.

Ancient Rome in 3D

The Roman Empire reached its peak in the 2nd century CE, specifically during the reign of Emperor Trajan (98-117 CE). This period is often referred to as the Pax Romana, or the Roman Peace. Under Trajan’s rule, the empire expanded to its largest territorial extent, encompassing regions from Britain to Mesopotamia and Egypt. The economy of the empire flourished, and it was known for its prosperous trade, infrastructure, and cultural achievements. The Roman Empire during this time was regarded as a dominant political, military, and economic force in the ancient world.